Friday 8 May 2009

Professional Practice Evaluation

During the past year, whilst completing this blog, I feel that I have learnt a lot about myself and my style. This blog has enabled me to take a step back and look objectively at my work and my interests and I now feel more sure within myself.

I enjoy researching and I feel that this is clear through the Professional Practice module. One area of interest that has really stood out to me has been my passion for illustration and design from the 1950's, which includes artists such as Mary Blair, Charley Harper, Paul Rand and Saul Bass. Though I enjoy design from this era, I would like to continue developing my knowledge of 1950's style, so that I am able to apply it to my own illustration work. My interest in the work of Saul Bass has also opened up the world of sequence titles to me, and I find myself searching for exquisitely produced titles. My favourites, that also have a 50's style, are those to the film "Catch Me If You Can". These titles are extremely clever and the images within it are made up of very simple shapes, which I feel is the direction my work is taking. Another is those to a TV series called "Mad Men", which is about an advertising firm in the early 1960's. These titles have a very graphic and simple style, but they are hugely effective in their message and this is the type of aesthetic I want my work to have.

I have been very lucky during ths time to have made contact with a recent Illustration graduate, from UCLAN, called Debbie Greenaway. I first saw her work at the New Blood exhibition in London, and I was drawn to her simple and fun work, and also the plush toys that she made. I have since been in constant contact with her and I feel that this has really helped me. I think that speaking with her has been very useful as, because she is a recent graduate, she has been able to offer advice about making a name for yourself within illustration, and how the toll of leaving university has effected what she has done in her first year away from education. Though I have not had a lot of responses to my emails and letters, I feel lucky to have been able to form a friendship with someone instead.

Thugh this blog was for the Professional Practice module, I would like to continue with the blog as I feel that it easily expresses who I am, through my work and through my interests.

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